Curriculum Vitae Standard Format
The Curriculum Vitae (CV) Standard Format follows a template that captures with specific details and organizes in chronological order the educational and training backgrounds, professional achievements, qualifications, skills and experiences of individual School faculty members. The standard CV template is aligned with the Faculty Annual Activity Reporting and Career Planning document.
Sections and subheadings on the CV include the following in chronological order:
- Name (in full), degree(s), credentials (all centered and bolded)
- Contact information (business address, phone, fax, email)
- Education (date completed, degree, major, institution)
- Postgraduate training (internships, residencies, fellowships and other training, with beginning and end dates and institutions)
- Licensure (active)
- Board and/or specialty certification (active)
- Honors, awards and fellowships (year received, name, awarding institution/organization, nature of award)
- Leadership appointments (list the years with beginning and end dates and institutions)
- Administrative appointments (list the years with beginning and end dates and institutions)
- Professional appointments (list the years with beginning and end dates and institutions)
- Teaching (list the courses and indicate if lecturer, course coordinator, preceptor or discussion leader)
- Publications: numbered within each section and listed from most recent down to oldest and bold own name in each reference; do not list publications “submitted” or “in preparation” (peer-reviewed original research, peer-reviewed reviews, case reports, editorials, letters to the editor, book reviews, book chapters, research abstracts, non-peer reviewed papers)*
- Scientific presentations (platform research presentations, posters that were not published as abstracts)
- Research grants
- Patents and license agreements
- Service: institutional, local, national and international (committees, subcommittees, task forces, pharmacy practice and clinical activities, supervisory roles, faculty and student services, editorial service, community service, invited professional presentations, consulting)
- Professional organizations membership (active)
*References style:
- Journal article: “Eginger KH, Yarborough LL, Inge LD, Basile SA, Floresca D, Aaronson PM. Medication errros in HIV-infected hospitalized patients: a pharmacist imapct. Ann Pharmacother 2013;47:953-960.”
- Letter: “Nix DE, Matthias KR, Erstad BL. Vancomycin clearance in overweight and obese patients. Am J Health Syst Pharm 2011;68:1776-1777. Letter.”
- Book chapter: “Kraft MD, Btaiche IF, Pleva MR. Parenteral nutrition. In: Chisholm MA, Wells BG, Schwinghammer TL, et al., eds. Pharmacotherapy Principles & Practice, 3rd ed. Colombus, OH. McGraw-Hill Medical:2013:1755-1775.”