
Faculty Personal and Professional Development

The School and University are heavily vested in supporting the personal and professional development of faculty. These can be through programs that are school-sponsored, LAU’s Office of Graduate Studies and Research and Center for Innovative Learning, partnerships such as with the National Council for Scientific Research, and with funds allocated by the school research committee for faculty research, training, attendance of professional meetings, and reimbursement of publication fees. Application to these grants follow the guidelines of the School Research Committee.

Professional Development Committee

The Professional Development Committee is composed of representatives of School administrators, full-time and adjunct Faculty and staff. Its main duties are to identify the professional development needs of faculty and preceptors, and coordinate the delivery of continuing education and professional advancement activities.

School-Sponsored Professional Development Seminars and Workshops

Topic Date
Antimicrobial Stewardship Efforts in Times of Conflicts and War Injuries 27/03/2025
Climate Change: Impact on Women’s Health 11/03/2025
The Knots and Bolts of Academic Integrity 25/02/2025
Optimizing the use of EHR Go 18/02/2025
The Legislative Process: From Preparation to Implementation 31/01/2025
Curriculum Integration-Module Based Approach 14/01/2025
Evaluating Post-Licensure Vaccine Safety Signals: A Pharmacoepidemiological Assessment of Myocarditis Following mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination as a Case Study 05/12/2024
Virtual Pharmacy Counseling Clinic Establishment: KFSHRC Experience 26/11/2024
Assessment Best Practices-Updates from the UAE Workshop 13/11/2024
Best Practices in Online Education 30/10/2024
Virtual Training on FreeStyle Libre Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) Kit 29/10/2024
Bioequivalence and Generic Drug Products: Scientific and Regulatory Considerations 22/10/2024
Maximizing Accesspharmacy for Pharmacy Education and Practice 08/10/2024
A Glimpse of Health Economics: The Science of Choice and Incentives in Health and Healthcare 12/09/2024
AI in Pharmacy Education - Updates from the AACP AI Institute  28/05/2024
Navigating the Future of Pharmacy: An Introduction to Health Informatics and Digital Health 23/04/2024
The Role of Nonclinical Testing in Drug Development 16/04/2024
Introduction to Digital Health: Evolution, Impact, and Challenges 08/04/2024
Building Resilience and Developing a Growth Mindset 14/03/2024
Clinical Paths in the Modern Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis  13/02/2024
Supporting DEIA at LAU’s School of Pharmacy 07/12/2023
Knowing Self & Others (Johari Window Model) & Receiving Constructive Feedback 30/11/2023
Self-reflection in Healthcare Settings: Aims & Practices 20/11/2023
DEIB: Addressing Microaggressions in Clinical Education & Practice 09/11/2023
Digital Health in Clinical Settings  31/10/2023
Cancer Immunotherapy Research  26/09/2023
Real world evidence as a tool to inform decisions throughout the lifecycle of medicines: A perspective from the pharma industry  17/05/2023
Lebanese Army Healthcare System and Pharmacy Services  28/04/2023
Dealing with Imposter Syndrome  04/04/2023
Drug Development in the US  31/03/2023
Cochrane Reviews  28/02/2023
The Power of Low-Ego, High Drive Leadership: Humbitious 16/02/2023
Tools for Preceptors to Turn Challenges into Opportunities 12/10/2022
Cultural Competency: A must to Optimize Care in a Diverse Healthcare System and Patient Population 11/04/2022
Clinical Updates in Heart Failure 15/03/2022
Clinical Updates in Diabetes  07/04/2021
Role of Pharmacists in Crisis / COVID-19  14/01/2021
Antimicrobial Resistance and Stewardship in the Era of a Pandemic 03/12/2020
IPE education: best practices for curriculum integration, assessment & accreditation 16/11/2020
Online course delivery 08/09/2020
PPCP integration in pharmacy curricula 26/02/2020
Systematic review 27/01/2020
Flipped classroom 11/08/2019
Crucial conversation: giving feedback 03/05/2019
Power of learning (OCEs-led workshop) 25/04/2019
Antibiotics refresher* 29/01/2019
Making IT healthy: medication safety and rise in technology (ACPE CE credits) 07/11/2018
The power of innovation 21/05/2018
Updates in infectious disease-clinical pearls* 03/05/2018
Evidence-based research: how to design search strategies for systematic reviews 10/04/2018
Lean Pharmacy management 05/12/2017
PCSK9 Inhibitors: where do we stand? 05/12/2017
Tips for success in academic publishing 27/11/2017
Introduction to OSCEs 18/10/2017
Code of ethics for drug promotion* 11/04/2017
Clinical (pharmacy) research initiatives* 06/04/2017
Research design 13/02/2017
Management of non-small cell lung cancer* 26/05/2016
Teaching and learning in the 21st century 13/05/2016
Sedation, analgesia and delirium in the ICU: what’s new?* 05/05/2016
Insights in simulation-based education 25/04/2016
Publishing educational papers 08/04/2016
Quality assessment of publications 07/12/2015
Pharmacoeconomics 03/11/2015
Treatment and prevention of thrombosis* 29/10/2015
Biostatistics application (series of 7 sessions) 03/09; 16; 23; 04/20; 05/04; 13; 27/2015
Highlights in antithrombotic therapy* 26/03/2015
Management of febrile neutropenia* 29/01/2015
Ebola virus disease 29/01/2015

*Held at LAU Medical Center-Rizk Hospital (LAUMC-RH).  

Held at the Annual Preceptors Appreciation Event.

Professional Development Resources

Faculty Development in Teaching

The Center for Innovative Learning

CIL serves as a strategic partner to the faculty in all schools with a purpose to increase their efficiency. The Center’s purpose is to support and develop LAU’s faculty towards excellence in teaching, learning, assessment, and innovation through the latest technologies and high-impact pedagogies.

The American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy

AACP recognizes a special responsibility to provide leadership in advancing and enhancing the quality of education and training in its member institutions while respecting the diversity inherent among them.

Examsoft Webinars

Provides written and recorded content on a variety of assessment and education related topics.

The Association of American Colleges & Universities

AACU is the leading national association dedicated to advancing the vitality and public standing of liberal education by making quality and equity the foundations for excellence in undergraduate education in service to democracy

The Association of College and University Educators

ACUE prepares, credentials, and provides on-going support to faculty in the use of evidence-based teaching practices that promote student engagement, persistence to graduation, career readiness, and deeper levels of learning. 

The Teaching Professor

Is the lively, highly informative newsletter with a singular purpose: to provide ideas and insight to educators who are passionate about teaching.

The American Society of Hospital Pharmacists-Education

ASHP provides continuing education for members and non-members including pharmacy technicians, physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, and other health care professionals.

Access Pharmacy

Provides an important foundation for learning, and allows practicing pharmacists to get information instantly about drugs, herbs and supplements, and consult features and editorials concerning the vast array of current pharmacy publications.

Faculty Development in Clinical Skills

Pharmacotherapy Self-Assessment Program (PSAP)

The American College of Clinical Pharmacy self-assessment programs are home study series that provide clinical pharmacists with pertinent therapeutic updates to enhance their practice skills and improve patient outcomes.


Offers the latest medical news and expert perspectives; essential point-of-care drug and disease information; and relevant professional education and CME.


An electronic resource offering evidence-based, synthesized medical information.


The FDA’s medical product safety reporting program for health professionals, patients and consumers.

Pharmacist’s Letter

Provides community pharmacists with evidence-based resources to keep current on medication therapy changes and guidelines, educate patients, make recommendations, and complete ongoing training and continuing education requirements.


The LWW Total Access Collection is an expansive collection of all LWW journals available on OvidSP and that cater to your intensive medical information needs.

Institute of Safe Medication Practices

Has been a global leader in patient safety dedicated to the promotion of safe medication practices.

Medical Calculator

A medical reference for clinical decision tools and content.

Access Medicine

Is an innovative online resource that provides students, residents, clinicians, and researchers with instant answers to clinical questions from trusted sources.

Clinical Key

Elsevier’s Clinical Key is a clinical insight engine that provides access to Elsevier’s current medical and surgical content.

Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature

CINAHL Plus is a comprehensive health research database, providing full text for more than 750 journals indexed in CINAHL, and 240 books/monographs. 

Lexicomp Online

Is a collection of clinical databases and clinical decision support tools that provides users with a comprehensive medical library, drug information and clinical content for the healthcare industry.  

Cochrane Library

Is a unique source of reliable and up-to-date information on the effects of interventions in health care.


Directs you to information to help answer health questions and contains extensive information about drugs and supplements, an illustrated medical encyclopedia, interactive tutorials, the latest health news, and surgery videos.

PubMed plus

Comprises over 30 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books.

Faculty Development in Soft-Skills / Leadership

Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education- Continuing Professional Development

ACPE continuing professional development is an approach to lifelong learning.

American College of Clinical Pharmacy-Academy

ACCP Academy offers a flexible, curricular approach to enhancing ACCP member skills and experience through three professional development programs.

American College of Clinical Pharmacy-Academy-Career Development

AACP career development recognizes a special responsibility to provide leadership in advancing and enhancing the quality of education and training in its member institutions while respecting the diversity inherent among them.

The American Society of Hospital Pharmacists-Policy Positions & Guidelines

ASHP provides continuing education for members and non-members including pharmacy technicians, physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, and other health care professionals.

The Pharmacists’ Learning Assistance Network (P.L.A.N.®)

PLAN Is a continuing pharmacy education information service provided to pharmacists through Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education.

Faculty Development in Research

The Office of Graduate Studies and Research (GSR)

The GSR provides sustained support to interdisciplinary graduate education and research at LAU. 

AACP Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) Grant

SOTL provides research funding for active members of AACP who are engaging in educational research. 

Office of Clinical Research

The NIH Office of Clinical Research works to facilitate the vision of excellence in clinical research.

The National Council for Scientific Research

CNRC Lebanon initiates and encourages scientific research in the theoretical and applied aspects of basic, social and behavioral sciences.

Grant Writing Webinars

How to secure funding

Successful research grant applications – getting it right

Mastering the Art of Creating Successful Grant Proposals

A Researcher’s Guide to Grant Applications and Reporting

Faculty Mentoring

The School of Pharmacy values and supports the continuing professional development and career advancement of its Faculty. In order to achieve these goals, annual funds are allocated to support individual full-time faculty members in further developing their skills and abilities in the areas of teaching, research, service and leadership. Furthermore, faculty members especially junior faculty who have identified needs for professional development are assigned a senior faculty mentor who will provide formative mentoring and guidance on career development in accordance to a formal Individual Faculty Mentoring and Development Plan document.
